Earth Song Ranch Blog

Earth Song Ranch Blog

Dive into our insightful articles and blog posts on natural health supplements for your cherished companions – horses, dogs, and cats. Uncover the secrets of holistic well-being with fresh blends of probiotics, enzymes, herbs, and more. Your horses and pets deserve the best – explore our stories for a healthier, happier furry friend or family member! Come read more about today's horse and some of the health challenges they are now facing!
Helping Our Mare's a Little More Naturally

Helping Our Mare's a Little More Naturally

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Herbal Blends for Mares for Spring and Early fall

We Love Our Mares but sometimes our mares have challenges when it comes time to start cycling which then cause us to be challenged for them.

So ask yourself what can cause a usually happy easy going mare to become like Godzilla on a string?

It could be when daylight hours change and mares begin to feel the hormonal shifts in to breeding season which go from spring and summer, triggering "heat" behavior as the estrogen and progesterone rises preparing the mare's body for possible pregnancy.  The estrogen triggers heat behavior and the progesterone prepares the uterus for pregnancy.   In the winter season or what is called the "anestrus period" where estrogen is typically low so the "mare-ish or mood mare" behavior is at a low typically,.... however,   there are extenuating circumstances that may play a roll which can cause moody mare behavior all year long!

Underlying health conditions such as ovarian tumors, uterine infections and Cushing's (PPID) can throw off a mares hormonal balance.  Each mare is so different and some may be far more sensitive to hormonal variations or fluctuations than others.  Poor nutrition, vitamin and mineral imbalances or deficiencies especially a lack or low level of magnesium and vitamin e can also affect hormonal function, as does feeding a grain with soy.  Excessive chemical exposure in their environment like chemical fly sprays, Round Up, over use of chemical wormer's, even their black rubber feed bowls can throw the hormonal balance off.

If you have and love a mare who goes through these swings first look at nutrition, making sure she is getting a balanced vitamin mineral supplement like our Best of the Best, or High Point Pellets  or in the least supplement with Magnesium and a Natural Vitamin E.  Make sure she is not being fed a bag or grain feed with soy as that too can disrupt the hormonal balance.  Get a blood work up see if there is an imbalance.

Because I have had mares exclusively until my horse Jeep came along I tested all kinds of herbal blends on my three main mares to come up with the two herbal blends we offer:  Happy Mare and Happy Mare Plus.  Both of these contain supportive herbs to help balance out the hormonal swings of Spring and fall.  Happy Mare Plus has some extra strength herbs that many women will recognize that they too have taken and purchased at their local health food stores!  The first place to start with your moody mare would be Happy Mare for a months time.

Remember that understanding your mare's hormonal health is essential for managing mood related issues.  Proper nutrition, stress management and regular veterinary care play a crucial role in maintaining not only your mare's overall health but her reproductive health as well.
