
Contact Us

Earth Song Ranch - Main Office Postal Address

Earth Song Ranch
PO Box 482
Aguanga, California 92536

Please note: Email is the best way to reach us. We are on Pacific Time.

Phone: 951-514-9700 (please do not text to this number)

For General Information:

Jessica Lynn --earthsongranch@yahoo.com

Cell phone: 951-514-9700 -- if you do phone and leave a message it may take me a a few days to get back with you. I would love to be able to speak to each and every one of you via a phone call; however, it is really best to email me at earthsongranch@yahoo.com if you have questions about products, which product you should order for your horse or about your current order or other items. If your questions are numerous or about your specific horses health challenge or current nutritional needs I do offer paid nutritional consults so that we can make a date/time certain appointment, for either a half hour or hour, then after I review the information you have sent, including photos we can then focus on your horse(s) needs.

I am not a veterinarian, I do not give medical advice, however, I have years of experience in natural animal health, herbs, nutrition as well as homeopathy and work with, as well as consult with, or am mentored by several holistic vets and homeopaths around the country, some locally.

So please be patient, we're trying, I will get back to you! Email is best. We are a working ranch, so often away from the phone and computer, I am not always on FB, I do not FB Message nor text, but will check emails in the early morning and late afternoons, sometimes during the day depending on the work load.

We do take evenings, weekends and holidays off to be with our animals, family and friends, do our chores, place our orders for supplies, play with the dogs and don't forget we are on California Time!

Social Media Profiles -- Connect with Us

For Holistic Equine Veterinary Phone Consultations:

Dr. Kevin Fenton, DVM, Homeopath, Acupuncture, & Chiropractic

Dr. Fenton is available for constitutional homeopathic work ups and follow up's in the US and Canada - he has a small animal practice in La Quinta, Ca, as Chief of Staff at a VCA Animal Hospital and has a horse practice in the Southern California High Desert area. He also makes farm calls to do chiropractic and acupuncture in our surround area. His cell phone number is 760-408-0024 and his email is:kcritdoc@aol.com

Dr. Denice Moffat -- Holistic health practitioner/veterinarian/naturpath/medical intuitive

Welcome to Natural Health Techniques. Dr Denice is a naturpath, veterinarian, and medical intuitive with over 17 years of practice in alternative medicine. She works on the "family unit," including humans and animals, through phone consultations only. To read more about me, Dr. Denice Moffat, go to her webs site and read her biography. http://naturalhealthtechniques.com/

For Kinesology, Homeopathy and Herbs:

Catherine Bird -- Catherine resides in Australia and you can reach her by e-mail at Catherine@happyhorses.com.aushe has studied in both the US and Australia.

Equine, Canine, Feline Nutritional Consultations:

Dr. Denice Moffat, holistic health practitioner/ veterinarian/naturpath/medical intuitive Welcome to Natural Health Techniques. Dr Denice is a naturopath, veterinarian, and medical intuitive with over 17 years of practice in alternative medicine. She works on the "family unit," including both humans and animals, through phone consultations only. To read more about me, Dr. Denice Moffat, go to her webs site and read her biography.

208-877-1222 (Pacific Time)https://naturalhealthtechniques.com/

For Animal Communication:

Lydia Hiby is one of the most sought after Animal communicators in the country. Her client base numbers around 60,000 - she may be reached for phone consultations on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 1-818-244-0091 or you can access her web site for more details athttps://www.lydiahiby.com

I have known Lydia for at least 20 years and she has helped so many of my clients with their animals, and has helped me with mine, and she also teaches classes in Southern California as well, and I have taken her class in animal communication, and refresher classes and recommend it!

For Human and Equine Chiropractic Services:

Dr. Cheryl Rickets, Old Mission Chiropratic -- Dr. Cheryl serves all of San Diego County and South Riverside County - she is an Equine and small animal chiropractor, and her husband treats us humans at their office in San Marcos. Her number is 1-760-744-1111.

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