Herbal Supplements
Herbal & Supplement Information
Following is a list of the main herbs we use in our products and why we might use a particular herb our herbs are wild crafted and in some cases organic, all come from a certified tested guaranteed source. We have taken the utmost care in blending the herbs to assist your horse to maintain its health or to assist it in regaining its health in the most natural way.

The information provided on this page is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical or professional advice, but rather a sharing of information obtained from my experience and research using herbs and herbal remedies. Please read the full disclosure at the bottom of this page.
Under current legislation, Earth Song Ranch is not permitted to make claims in support of health benefits derived from natural formulations. This means we cannot make specific statements as to how any of our joint formulas may help your horse overcome the pain and inflammation associated with degenerative diseases as well as re-build cartiledge and savinol fluids. Giving your horse any of the natural products we distribute should be a decision based on personal research and understanding of the role food-derived antioxidants and enzymes play in health and well-being.
Agnus Castus (Chaste Tree Berry/ Vitex): This herb regulates and balances hormonal cycles, and has been used to treat non-cancerous growths and cysts. It has been used to support progesterone production and fertility in mares and stallions. It also provides long-term treatment for Equine Cushing's.
Black Cohosh: Is an anti-spasmodic used for the internal treatment of recurring muscle spasm and to help with the repair of muscle damage due to injury.
Boswellia Serrata: Herb used for inflammation and pain control. Boswellic acids have an anti-inflammatory action much like conventional non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's). However, unlike NSAID's though, long term use of Boswellia has never been shown to lead to irritation or ulceration of the stomach. Boswellia also inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators in the body.
Burdock: Extremely useful in treating arthritis, and rheumatism type stiffness. Also used as a digestive aid and to stimulate digestive juices. It has been found useful in treating liver and kidney function, which results in skin conditions such as dry scurfy skin and eczema.
Buckwheat: used for poor circulation, and useful in the treatment of arthritic or navicular type symptoms. Rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and trace elements.
Celery Seed: Is anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It is used for treating arthritic conditions, joint stiffness, and as a urinary antiseptic. Acts as an alkalizer to help balance horses that suffer from excess acidity in the tissues.
Chamomile Flower: Used for soothing, calming, and relaxing nervous horses, especially those prone to loose manure as a result. It improves digestion, is a natural sedative, relaxant, vaso-dilator, with anti-inflammatory with analgesic actions. It is also useful for treating aches and pains, and mild discomfort. High in magnesium phosphate, calcium phosphate, potassium phosphate.
Cleavers (Goose Grass): Is a plant used for supporting and toning the lymphatic system. It is useful for preventing cystitis. Is rich in silica and will help to reduce soft swelling and water retention.
Colostrum: Colostrum's immune factors help support and regulate the immune system while its growth factors help regenerate cellular tissue, regulate glucose, build lean muscle mass, target fat for energy and increase endurance.
Comfrey: Helps to heal bone, cartilage and soft tissue injuries. Traditionally it has been used as a remedy for rheumatism and arthritis. It contains naturally occurring allantoin which stimulates cell production, so encourages wound healing both internally and externally. It is also and excellent natural source of B-12.
Couch Grass: Or Dog Grass as it is known because dogs, when they do not feel well or have a stomach ache will seek it out; Couch Grass is diuretic or has diuretic properties.
Cramp Bark: As its name suggests, helps to relieve menstrual type cramping.
Dandelion Leaf: Is the great liver cleanser and tonic herb. It is used for liver or kidney disorders, including jaundice. It has a powerful diuretic action and is rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It is also naturally rich in vitamins A, B, C & D, and actually contains higher levels of vitamin A then carrots. It is also high in choline, iron, silica, and sulphur.
Devil's Claw: The major use of Devil's Claw is for anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties especially in the musculo-skeletal system. It is used where there is pain and inflammation or for any form of degenerative joint disorder, or boney changes resulting in inflammation. It has naturally occurring compounds that have been shown to have an analgesic/anti-inflammatory effect comparable to cortisone and phenylbutazone. Devil's Claw also stimulates healing.
Eleuthero: Is Siberian Ginseng. It is used to promote blood sugar metabolism, and is a mild substance that produces a normalizing effect on the body. Eleuthero has been used to fight the Herpes simples II infections as well as for chronic inflammations, so is also considered an immune boosting herb.
Fenugreek: Is used to stimulate appetite, and is also used for gastric disorders & ulceration. It is rich in calcium, vitamins A, B, C and E.
Ginger: Is a very useful immune booster and anti-parasitic agent. It also can be used for stomach ailments and nausea.
Ginko: Has also been used in the long-term treatment of Equine Cushing's along with Angus Castus, green Stevia and other useful herbs.
Glucosamine Sulfate: Is a sugar like substance produced in the body and found in small amounts in foods. It's role and function is in maintaining healthy cartilage, which is the gel like material that cushions the joints. It is used by the body to synthesize the molecules that give shape, elasticity and rigidity to such tissues as cartilage, tendons, ligaments, discs, and mucous membranes. It also serves to restore the thick gelatinous nature of the lubricants and tissues in and around the joints. Glucosamine Sulfate has been used successfully as long-term treatment and preventative maintenance in humans and animals. Supplementing with Glucosamine Sulfate helps to provide joint "protectats" during times of heavy work, competition, training, and times of excess stress on the wear on the body.
Green Stevia: Raw herbal Stevia contains nearly one hundred identified phytonutrients and volatile oils, including trace amounts of Rutin (from the Callus) and B-Sitosterol (from the leaves). Green Stevia has premium soluble fiber that selectively nourishes the friendly bacteria (lactobacillus and bifidobacteria) in the intestines.
The increased number of these good bacteria will help gastrointestinal functions and may improve regularity, cleanse the colon, support liver & pancreatic health, assist and strengthen the immune system, and help control the formation of free radicals. Has been used in conjunction with other herbs to treat Equine Cushings disease.
Hawthorne: Is a vasodilator, and is one of the best tonics for the heart and circulatory system. From the equine perspective it is a valuable treatment for laminitis and navicular. Often times, in pasture, horses and ponies who are lamanitic will naturally seek out this herb as it will improve the blood supply to the affected areas. It is high in Rutin (vitamin P) one of the bioflavonoid group with vitamins K & C.
Kelp: Kelp is the original source of Iodine. It is used for the treatment of an under-active thyroid. It can also be used as a preventative and in support of the thyroid in hopes of preventing Cushing's disease. It is an excellent source of minerals and micronutrients.
Liqorice: Has a demulcent action and is excellent in reducing gastric acid secretions; this makes it specific for gastric ulceration and gastro intestinal inflammatory conditions.
MSM: MSM is a naturally occurring bio-available sulfur compound necessary for collagen synthesis: skin, hair, nails (bones, muscles and organs). Some research shows that it softens the tissues, including skin, relieves arthritis and rheumatic discomforts, detoxifies the body and increases blood circulation. Other research is showing that it increases energy, and acts as an analgesic with potential for anti-inflammatory actions. It is also shown to increase blood flow, and may contribute to maintaining as well as repairing cartilage.
Marshmallow: The medicinal uses of Marshmallow are for the treatment of digestive system disorders such as gut ulcerations, inflammation, irritation, etc. This is an excellent herb for any digestive system or gastric ulceration, inflammation and colitis, as well as inflammation of the urinary passages such as those found in cystitis.
Meadow Sweet: It is one of the best herbs for the digestive system. It protects the digestive track and reduces excessive acid. It also helps to prevent scouring. It contains, in its flower buds, some of the same compounds found in the bark of the Willow that was used to make aspirin, called salicylic acid, so it also has anti-inflammatory actions on rheumatic pain and fevers.
Milk Thistle: Milk Thistle is most famous for its ability to improve liver function and to speed up regeneration of liver cells. It has also been used to help regulate female hormonal imbalances. Milk Thistle has ten times the anti-oxidant action of Vitamin E.
Mint: Mint is a stimulant and an anti-spasmodic. It is one of the best natural digestive aids available and helps to sooth and relax the digestive track.
Nettle: Is used to stimulate circulation, which makes it ideal for conditions such as laminitis, rheumatism and arthritis. It is a rich source of vitamin C and high in Iron, which ensures that the iron is absorbed efficiently by the body. Its actions are to raise the red cell count, improve oxygenation of the blood and stimulate the arterial flow. It is also a good tonic and high in chlorophyll. This herb has proven useful when combined with other herbs in treating EPM horses.
Olive Leaf: Olive Leaf has been found to stimulate phagocytosis, an immune system response in which cells ingest harmful microorganisms and foreign matter. Research and clinical experience to date is showing that it may be beneficial in the treatment for conditions caused by, or associated with, a virus, retrovirus, bacterium, or protozoan. It has also been found useful as one of the herbs used in naturally treating EPM in horses.
Parsley: Is a strong diuretic as well as being rich in vitamin C, iron, and copper. It is an ideal herb to prevent anemia. It is a great tonic and can help calm horses that are suffering from urinary or digestive problems as well.
Passion Flower: Is also in the nervine category, the plant and flower are used in herbal medicine as a sedative, and pain killer as well as sometimes to relieve painful menstruation.
Pau D-Arco: Is an herb that contains three anti-fungal/anti-yeast compounds, lapachol,beta-lapachone and xyloidine. It is one of a combination of herbs found useful in naturally treating EPM.
Red Clover: All varieties of clover have a sedative and calming action, and can be used as a tonic. It is especially useful for horses recovering from a viral illness. Red Clover is also said to have anti-tumor activity/compounds and has been used in the herbal treatment of cancers. Red Clover is high in Copper and Cobalt and is considered to be an anti-fungal, anti-viral herb, and may have anti-parasitic properties. Helpful in long term treatment of Cushings & EPM
Red Raspberry Leaf: Is traditionally used in humans and animals as a reproductive aid, and to help strengthen and tonify the endometrium lining and uterine muscles to increase the likelihood of conception. It is also used to assist with contractions during foaling, check hemorrhaging and encouraging the passing of the after birth. It can be given during the entire pregnancy; however, it is most typically given in high dosages for 6 weeks to three months prior to foaling, as well as for a week or more after foaling to help encourage cleansing and toning. It has the highest source of folic acid of any vegetable/plant source.
Rose Hips: Rose hips are one of the richest sources of Vitamin C and also contains Vitamin A, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin K. Rose hips helps any horse to fight off infections. It also help to encourage hoof growth due to it naturally occurring biotin content coupled with its flavonoid. It has also been proven helpful in prevent scouring.
Rosemary: Stimulates circulation and is a blood cleanser. It is an excellent tonic for toning and calming the digestive system, particularly when there is stress and nervous tension. Its flavonoid content helps to reduce capillary fragility.
Rue: Is an anti-spasmodic and has been used for centuries for many medicinal reasons.
Safflower: In Chinese Medicine is a vaso-dilator, and opens the blood vessels to speed healing of injuries or inflammatory conditions.
Sarsaparilla: Used by many Indian tribes in the American Southwest, this herb is known to increase circulation to the joints and reduce inflammation caused by arthritis. Aside from containing steroidal saponins and phytosterols which are believed to contribute to its therapeutic effects, Sarsaparilla also contains calcium, copper, iron, iodine, potassium, manganese, silicon, sulphur, vitamins A, C, B complex and D. Vitamins A & C are anti-oxidant vitamins and necessary nutrients for connective tissue vitality.
Scullcap: Is a sedative, antispasmodic, anti-convulsant. It is ideal to use for horses with nervous stress, tension or are prone to hysteria. This herb combines well with valerian to sooth and calm.
Slippery Elm: This herb is traditionally used to treat diarrhea, enteritis, colitis (irritation of the gastrointestinal track) & irritation of the stomach, as it sooths, protects and lubricates mucous membranes. Is most often used for the prevention of scouring and treatment of gut ulceration. It will sooth inflammation both internally and externally. When used for scouring it will reduce the inflammation present with its soothing and mildly astringent action.
Uva-Ursi: Is particularly important for prevention of cystitis and infections of the urinary track. It has been used in combination with marshmallow, couch grass, and clievers on mares who suffer recurrent bouts. It has also been used to help geldings and stallions who have an overproduction of smegma.
Valerian Root: It is a sedative, nervine, antispasmodic, hypotensive herb. It's Latin name means: to be in good health or to be strong. It can help to relax and calm a horse without them becoming "doped" or affecting their performance. It is ideal for relieving nervous tension, restlessness, stress, anxiety, stomach cramps, and nervous exhaustion.
Vervain: Is used to help strengthen and restore the nervous system, particularly after an illness or for any liver complaints. It is an anti-spasmodic and works on the peripheral nervous system.
White Willow Bark: Is an analgesic & an anti-inflammatory. Like Meadow Sweet it contains salicylic acid, which gives it its anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for inflammation, fevers, colic or colic like symptoms, and cramping. White Willow Bark is a natural form of Salicin, therefore it passes harmlessly through the gastrointestinal tract, becoming Saligen and Glucose. It does not cause stomach upset, ulceration or bleeding as Aspirin or Bute can. The Saligen is then taken up by the body through the intestinal wall and converted to Salicylic Acid in the blood and liver. This conversion process can take several hours. There will not be immediate relief like Aspirin or Bute gives, but it will sustained pain and inflammation relief for several hours longer once this conversion does take place and the Salicylic Acid is in the bloodstream.
Yarrow: Is used in the treatment of musculo-skeletal, hoof and foot problems in horses, and is considered to have anti-inflammatory compounds.
Yucca: (Yucca schidigera) is rich in steroid-like saponins that elevate the body's production of cortisone, which may be beneficial for treating arthritis, osteoarthritis, & rheumatism type symptoms.
Yucca is used for inflammation and pain control and it also appears to block the release of toxins from intestines that inhibit the normal formation of cartilage.
* Disclaimer
The statements presented on this web site have not been evaluated by the FDA or USDA. The use of herbs for the prevention or cure of disease has not been approved by the FDA or USDA. We therefore make no claims to this effect. The products offered on this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
We are not veterinarians or doctors, but do consult with a team of holistic veterinarians, zoologists, microbiologists and immunologists. The information on this web site is based on the traditional and historic use of herbs as well as personal experience and is provided for general reference and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose health concerns, or make any direct or implied health claims.
This information is not intended to replace professional veterinary and/or medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet, holistic vet and/or doctor. We present the products on this web site and the information supplied here without guarantees, and we disclaim all liability in connection with the use of these products and/or information on this web site. Any person making the decision to act upon information is responsible for investigating and understanding the effects of his/her own actions. Please read our "Limitation of Liability and Warranty" policies on the site as well.