Earth Song Ranch Store
Equine West Nile Nosode
Nosodes are homeopathic immunizations as oppose to vaccines. This Nosode has been used for well over 15 years from coast to coast with not one horse contracting West Nile Virus whose owner followed the protocal! I use it on my horses as do most of my customers.
Please note: Homeopathics and Nosodes are not returnable due to FDA regulations.
This Nosode, along with a homeopathic protocal can help to eliviate West Nile symptoms if your horse should come down with it, in 4-5 days. West Nile is not a death sentance. It is treatable when caught early with a combination of homeopathic remedies, it is not a death sentence as some think!
A Nosode is a Homeopathic "Immunization" as opposed to a "Vaccine". Please go to the Articles section of this web site to read more about "What is Homeopathy and How Can Our Animlals Benefit From Homeopathic Remedies and Nosodes."
Also scroll down to read the article on West Nile Virus - Natural Pro-Active Nutritional Prevention, Nosodes and Homeopathic Treatments and how to boost your horses immune sytem in the same section as the link above. This nosode is available in 1 & 2 dram sizes, as well as a small (1 oz) and large (2 oz.) oral spray. A 1 dram bottle will treat approximately 3 horses for 1 year.