Earth Song Ranch Store
Heart Worm Nosode
SKU hwn-1dam
A homeopathic approach to heart worm instead of chemicals
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Heart Worm Nosode
Product Details
Weight: 0.50 lbs
Heart Worm Nosode is a homeopathic approach to prevention.
It comes in a one dram and 2 dram sizes, We are no longer offering it in the liquid form. The bottles above represent relative size only, a one dram bottle is on the far left end, it does not mean you receive a Bert's Bees lip balm.
You will receive the protocol with your order as to how to dispense, how often to orally dose etc.
For more information go to our Articles section or click on this link Nosodes
If your dog has heart worm please see the Heart Worm Kit.
Customer Testimonial
"I have been administering the Heart Worm Homeopathic for eleven days now and my dogs cough has for the most part has went away completely and seems like he is a happier dog also. I am glad I found your site and will be recommending your treatment to many others." - Kenny R
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