
Earth Song Ranch Store

Happy Mare Plus

SKU HappyMarePlus-1lb
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Added herbs for the extra moody mare.
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Happy Mare Plus
Product Details
Weight: 1.00 lbs

Happy Mare Plus - Added Herbs for the Extra Moody Mare

This blend has extra wild yam root, black coohosh and dong qi to help those mares who need more then our regular blend! This is a blend of wild crafted and organic herbs which are aromatic and flavorful in powder form then blended in a rich yeast culture to add some additional probiotics just for your mare!

Your order will be hand blended the day it is shipped with herbs that we have blended together for their supportive properties.

These carefully selected group of herbs support your mare far better than just a hand full of raspberry leaf and may ease symptoms of a moody or hormonal mare especially during their heat cycles and all month long during spring and early summer.

This blend contains: chamomile flowers, chaste tree berries (vitex berries), red clover blossom, kelp, passion flower, vervain, ginko, peppermint, meadowsweet, white willow bark, additonal wild yam root, cramp bark, turmeric, black cohosh and dong qi, in a blend of yeast cultures.

There are other companies out there who have tried to copy our formula and are charging much much more than we do, sometimes 3x's as much - we get our herbs from the same company and from us you pay a reasonable amount for a product that we have made successfully for well over 14 years now!

We also offer our traditional Happy Mare blend - without the extra wild yam root, black coohosh and dong qi.

Customer Testimonials

"I met Jessica through our mutual holistic vet and decided to give her a call… Best call ever! I had an 11-year-old mare that would throw herself into the rails when she was in season, and she was in season a lot. She is also high strung and can be grumpy and in general just did not seem happy. Jessica made up a mix of her Happy Mare with an added dose of something, for this mare of mine, and we both are so much happier, this mare now has regular cycles, doesn’t throw herself in to the rails anymore and isn’t rubbing her tail raw either. Although just recently she had started a bit of tail rubbing and Jessica suggested a special blend for UT issues as she thought she might be a bladder infection brewing… I’m thinking, hmmmm ok, will try it. This is a high-performance mare, I’m thinking she is rubbing her tail for other reasons…. all I can say is Jessica hit it in the head once again. I am convinced and impressed with how diligent Jessica has been with me on her following through on checking with me if all was better or not! I started using Happy Mare 2 years ago, everyone who knows this mare asked me what I am giving her to keep her so quiet, calm and less distracted. This mare is always a good worker and is happier and even better in the trailer now. Jessica lives to help animals be happier and healthier!" - Hope Adams, AA Ranch

"I need to let you know how much Happy Mare has helped my rescue horse, Lakota. When I adopted her, she was squirting everywhere (at mares and geldings) and a bit on edge. Happy Mare completely calmed her down and eliminated this behavior. I know it works because I ran out recently and just figured she would be ok since season is almost over. Wrong! Lakota is more edgy lately and has resumed some squirting. Thank you for all your great natural products! - Happy Trails, Sue C.

"I am getting ready to place another order from you for the Mare-zyme but I wanted to comment on some advice you gave to Melissa Givner last year in regards to a Mare of mine that had broken out in hives all over her body. For the life of us we could not figure out what it was. We tried everything and nothing seemed to work. Melissa emailed you and you gave her this advice. Along with Melissa you both agreed it was hormonal related when she comes in to season. You recommended Mare Zyme and some Wild Yam Root which is what we did. The results were fabulous my mare hasn't had a hive as of yet since then. She is hive free yippee!! I have begun the same regimen this year but started her early. When I begin to see lots of tail swishing, winking and just plain uncomfortableness she is ready. So far so good with her. I will be placing another order with you and wanted to know if there was any shelf life to the Mare Zyme. I want to order 5 bags to last me through the spring and summer. Thanks so much for your advice. This poor mare probably has had this for a long time and has suffered for the last 20 years of her life. She is a happy gal now and so am I." - Debbie M
