
Earth Song Ranch Store

Equine Herbal Wormer

SKU HerbalWormer-8oz
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A natural tasty approach and an alternative to monthly chemicals - formulated by a holistic vet
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Equine Herbal Wormer
Product Details
Weight: 0.50 lbs

Herbal Wormer for Horses - All Natural Alternative to Chemical Wormers

Our Equine Herbal Wormer is an all-natural feed additive to be mixed in bucket feed or can be mixed with a small amount of apple sauce and syringed in the mouth. It's safe to use for horses who are prone to laminitis and founder, as it is low in NSC.

Our Herbal Wormer contains a blend of 18 specific herbs, which can help to minimize parasitic infestation, 4 herbs for flavor and aroma, along with some diatomaceous earth and yeast culture which provides some pre-biotics, pro-biotics and digestive enzymes. This is our only blend we do in large batches and only blend usually one time per month, so it does take longer for you to receive this product.

The 8 oz. size of our herbal wormer will usually be enough for a two-month supply for one horse. (We also offer a mini size for your miniature horses, donkeys, etc). It is fed for 5 days of the month, during a full moon cycle when parasites are most active and the horses love the herbs! We do not recommend it for dogs or goats, but do recommend our homeopathic liquid Paratox for them.

Listen to Jessica Lynn's interview on NBC's The Horse Talk Radio with Louisa Barton, where she discusses nutrition and herbal wormingSome horses have been on this blend for over 18 months and up to 3 years, and their owner's have reported that fecal counts have come back clean. Horseman's Lab also reported that over a 15 years period 84% of their manure/fecal samples were clear of tape worm, strongyles et al. If your horse has a positive egg count after having done a fecal, you can use Paratox (a homeopathic anti-parasitic which we sell) from the new moon to the full moon then use the Herbal Wormer, and you should be good to go!

Horses really do not need to be "chemically" wormed every 6 weeks. It disturbs their digestive health, leading to other health-related problems and a lack of absorption of nutrients in their hay and feed stuffs.

Listen Now: Jessica Lynn's interview on NBC's The Horse Talk Show where she talks about nutrition and herbal worming.

For more information on natural parasite control and using herbs for worming instead of chemicals, please see:

Please Note: Herbal Wormer is one of our most popular products. We often sell out of this custom blend and have to reorder and reblend the herbs which we do in large batches and not individually. Therefore, it's best to order 10 days to two weeks in advance of your worming schedule. If you are ordering last minute, or the week of the full moon, we cannot guarantee to get it to you. For this blend, due to the cayenne, we try to blend in one large batch and send all of the orders out at the same time so you may not receive it right away, but it will be sent in time to arrive before the full moon. Our herbal wormer blend has a shelf life of one year, so it's safe to keep some on hand.

2024 Herbal Worming Schedule

2024 Herbal Wormer Calendar - Earth Song Ranch

Download Now: 2024 Equine/Mini Herbal DeWorming Schedule (PDF)

Herbal Wormer Ingredients

Fennel, Fenugreek, Cayenne (130 m), Garlic, Hyssop, Olive Leaf, Oregano, Papin, Pau De Arco, Rosemary, Sage, Stevia, Thyme, Peppermint, Wormwood, and Pumpkin Seed powders all blended together with Diatamatious Earth and Yeast Cultures


  • Although our Herbal Wormer has been found safe to be used for mares in foal, consult your vet prior to use if you have a pregnant mare.
  • One of the ingredients is Cayenne Pepper, the horses love it but you may find that you sneeze each time you give your horse a dose, as we have to wear an N-95 mask and glasses while blending in bulk!

Happy Customer Testimonials

"I have been using the Herbal Wormer for at least 6 or more years now. I give my horses the herbal Wormer the week of the full moon each month. In the summer/fall and spring/summer, I test my horses for parasites. I am happy to say, I do not have to give my horses any chemical wormers. Once in a while, I may get one or two that may have a few worms, so I worm those only. I am a soul believer in this product. Thanks to Jessica for answering my equine questions when things come up!" - Margit Deerman, 4-Star Senior Parelli Professional

"I have been using your Herbal Equine Wormer for a while now, but not on a monthly basis until starting late last year. I have been using natural wormers for a most of my horses’ lives (they’re 16 & 18 years old now) and have done fecal worm checks once a year, but the results always came back with some type of infestation so I’d have to use a chemical wormer. I recently read your interesting article about worming on the full-moon cycle (which I’ve done, of course) and then doing a fecal count check on the waning moon. I just had my fecal check done on my two horses and their test came back “CLEAR”!!! That’s the first time ever!!! Thank you so much for your wonderful products!!!"

" ... Best product ever. All my boy’s fecals came back negative, while pasture mates did not. I’ve always recommended this product to anyone who will listen. Thank you for this natural product. Less chemicals means better health. At 26 years old, my boy needs all the natural alternatives I can find."

" Love the Herbal Wormer! My vet is always amazed with the negative results after 3 years for both ponies. Even though I am careful, I still sneeze!!!"

"... I am thrilled w/the results of the herbal dewormer; I do quarterly Fecal tests (have a wonderful reference for a mail-in service that is very economical) to make sure all is well and typically, there are NO EGGS found in the manure sample!! There was one 50-egg report in the spring, but that is nothing compared to the 200-egg threshhold most vets use...."

"Over a month ago I emailed you regarding my mare having Strongyles. Just wanted to let you know that her fecal sample just came back clean after using the Herbal Wormer. :-) Yay!"

"I have been using your herbal wormer for the last 7 months.... I just recently had a parasite check done on Lakota and it came back clean. When I first started using it, he had just tested positive for Large Strongyles. I am so happy with this product!!!"
