
Earth Song Ranch Store

Support your Cushing's, IR, or Metabolic Horse Naturally

We also offer a homeopathic Cushings Tx option - a proprietary blend of a Heel Veterinary formula with three other added remedies we find effective to help the Cushing's horse, pony, donkey, or mini.


Sunny's Herbal Formula for Cushing's Horses
Sunny's Herbal Formula for Cushing's Horses
Sunny's Herbal Formula for Cushing's Horses
Sunny's is a proprietary blend sold separately from the kit, it is a blend of herbs for horses suspected of having Cushing's.
Sunny's Cushings Support Kit
Sunny's Cushings Support Kit
Sunny's Cushings Support Kit
A more natural approach to helping horses, suspected to have, or who do have Cushing's.
IR Support
IR Support
IR Support
High Point Grass with 2x B-Vitamins, Plus Mg-5 + Cr, with Digestive Enzymes